Things that are pissing me off Vol. 1

28 01 2008

Since I regularly find myself pissed off at things, I decided to make this a regular part of my blog. Rura complains when I go into bitch mode so instead of unleashing my inner beast on him, I’ll just do it here. Where people can relate to me. (And I get to use bullets. Wheee!)

  • Let me just preface this by saying that I have undying love for Starbucks. If you are a regular reader you know this by now. But I must complain about something that has been regularly pissing me the fuck off about it. The drive-thru. I adore Starbuck’s that have a drive-thru. I really do. However, the people using the drive-thru? Not so much. There should be a rule that states that you are only allowed to order enough coffee for each passenger in the car. 2 people in the car? Two cups of whatever you are having. Simple math right? I absolutely HATE sitting in the drive-thru and seeing that window open up and the barista is handing the driver a cup holder with 4 cups crammed into it. I don’t give a shit if you are the coffee monkey of your office. If Lazy Larry, Sleepy Sara, and Dopey Dave are all sitting at work waiting for their triple nonfat caramel lattes with no whip, that is their problem. Why should I have to wait an extra 10 minutes for 4 special order coffees to be made because you are too lazy to get out of your car?? If you have to order more coffee than the number of passengers you have, THEN GET OUT OF THE CAR AND GO INSIDE. I guess that makes me more angry at Starbuck’s customers than at Starbucks itself. Yup.
  • Shoes. Especially shoes in the office. I can handle wet squeaking shoes because they dry and stop making noise after 10 minutes. What I cant handle are cheaply made shoes that squeak when a person walks in them. Girls, you know what I am talking about. If a females shoes squeak, they are probably cheap. I’m just sayin’. I’ve been guilty of this. Lord knows I cant afford expensive shoes. But damn if the shoes I buy are nice and quiet, even if I did get them at Payless. Another thing about shoes, if you insist on wearing heels to work, where we don’t have carpet, STOP WALKING SO DAMN LOUDLY. Have you ever been around people that just walk with so much intent that they thunder through the place? Sheesh, I hear your heels, I know your comin’. Quiet down clacky!
  • All this damn rain is pissing me off. Well not really. I dont mind it so much that I mind the PUDDLES I have to walk through. Or the fact that one of my mom’s dogs hates wet grass (I KNOW, same dog needed Prozac a few years back) so he poops on the concrete. Where we all walk. Yuck.
  • People who talk to themselves. The only time you will catch me talking to myself is when I am at home cleaning or packing for something. That’s it. If you are at work, keep your lips zipped. Other people do not want to hear you. Seriously. It especially gets on my nerves when they are reading out loud. Just kill me.
  • Blogging commandments. More on that later this week.

I think 5 bullets is good for today. I feel better now. Got anything to bitch about?



11 responses

28 01 2008

Mouth breathers.

But are you sure you’re not PMS-ing?

28 01 2008


And just how do you know that they arent buying coffee for their infants? Hmm? Maybe they DO have more passengers in the car, but you cant see them because they are babies. Did you think of that? DIDNT THINK SO.

And dont ever call them monkeys again, they are cocksuckers. Get it right, or dont complain at all.

28 01 2008

I’ve never been to a Starbucks drive through, yet I am a Starbucks regular and know how long it can take to get one coffee on a busy morning. It ain’t no McDonalds drive through I bet.

I used to work in a professional office and I so hear ya on the shoes thing! I never realized it was a cheap shoe issue.

And the Blogging Comandments… so cannot wait for that post.

28 01 2008

Squeeky shoes! Oh I know it, damnit people stop buying plastic shoes. And stop walking like an elephant. I bet they’d be the first to complain if you went thundering past their desk, right?

29 01 2008

Well, it’s a good thing I live all the way over here in the Midwest. I’m sure Bullet Point Number Six would be: People who breath my air!

And *sniff… I talk to myself all the damn time. For the record, I give stellar advice. Because I am fucking smart. But I do not read out loud. Because that shit is annoying.

My current bitches? The list is long, but the time is short.

Pee Ess… I’ma tell Rura that you need some good hot sex. That should cheer you up.

29 01 2008

You’re funny. I’m with you totally on the squeaky shoes! I used to work in the Macy’s shoe department and you wouldn’t believe how many women would walk around on the tile floors specifically to make sure the shoes weren’t too noisey. Apparently, there are many, many women who feel the same way that you and I do. Now if only EVERY woman would catch on!

As far as the Starbucks drive thru…I can’t say that it’s ever bothered me. Of course, now that you’ve mentioned it, it probably will. Yeah, thanks for that 😉

29 01 2008

i can only dream of a starbucks drive-thru…

29 01 2008
The Kept Woman

I have a list six miles long to bitch about. Current top on my list is religious hypocrites.

Anywhooooo…I’m with Amy…I talk to myself all the time. Not in public (that I’m aware of anyway) but at home and certainly when I like to pretend my kids are actually listening to me. I was an only kid and alwayshad a vivid imagination.

30 01 2008

I have never noticed a squeaky shoe. Weird… is it like a frequency that only women can hear?

8 02 2008

I love piss me off lists.
They make blogging all the more wonderful.
Thanks for saying HI.

26 02 2008

And you just KNOW that the clacky-shoes person is LOVING the sound. Like, “Look at me, all CLACKY and IMPORTANT.”

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