5 06 2008

The most amazing thing just happened.

My friend at work got tickets for tonights Dodger’s game and he cant go so he gave them to me.

They are in the first row on the first base side.

First row. Box seats.

I don’t even know what to say. I’ve never sat in the first row and I never will again.

He gave me 4 so we can all go. If only Rura wasn’t working. My parents, my son, and I are going to have the greatest experience ever.

Dood, celebs sit down here. Fuck. I am so speechless and humbled by the kindness of people.



9 responses

5 06 2008

That kicks ass!! Congrats and enjoy!! 🙂

5 06 2008

That’s a pretty sweet deal. Take pics of some hot celebrities for me!

5 06 2008

you deserve it. have fun!

5 06 2008

AWESOME! I got to sit 3rd row back from the end zone at a KC Chiefs game once. It was the highlight of my life! Um, next to maybe the birth of my children.

5 06 2008

And how priviledged do I feel to have known this before I saw this post? Am I in the know or what!

6 06 2008

Wow… that is incredible. Have a blast!!!

9 06 2008

That’s so awesome, I know I don’t even have to ask if you guys had a blast….

Baby Daddy once got the General Manager of Orca Bay’s (the owners of the Vancouver Canucks hockey team) club seats. The best seats in the house with people treating us like gold.

I think we both cried a little at the experience. I know exactly how you were feeling there!

10 06 2008

That’s fucking amazing! Now if someone could give me the same thing to a Yankees game…

13 06 2008

Dude…that’s so effing awesome! I once had a similiar experience with Yankee tickets. They were a few rows up, directly over the Yankees dugout. AND, it happened to be kind of a historic day being that it was the day when David Wells pitched a perfect game. The stadium was electric, and I had bangin’ seats and free food (I was a cute chick at a basegame in a sea of sausage…I didn’t pay for ANYTHING). It was amazing. Here’s hoping your experience is even better!!!

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